RFSL Newcomers


RFSL Newcomers is a network for and with asylum-seekers, undocumented people and newly arrived LGBTQI people in Sweden. Our members come from all parts of the world and have often fled persecution in their native country because of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression.

With Newcomers we want to offer a safe meeting space and platform where our members can meet, be heard and speak. RFSL Newcomers exist to give you support, information about your rights in Sweden, social and legal counselling and a place to meet other LGBTQI people.

Newcomers is a politically neutral network within RFSL, which carries out opinion forming and strives to influence legal and political decisions pertaining to LGBTQI people’s situation. We work for equality and strengthened rights for asylum seekers and newly arrived LGBTQI people, partly through spreading information about the current political and legal status of asylum-seeking LGBTQI people in Sweden. We also strive to increase knowledge about the problems, in the form of oppression, uncertainty and legal and social vulnerability which asylum-seeking LGBTQI people may face.

Our goal is to strengthen our members’ identities and voices by creating meeting spaces where they can share experiences, make contacts and meet friends.

Do you want to join us? Contact us at email:  Newcomers@linkoping.rfsl.se