Newcomers RFSL Linköping
Newcomers is a social space and network for lgbtqi people who are for example newly arrived, asylum-seeking, have a residence permit, are undocumented, moved by affiliation, have a work- or study visa, and would like to find a community with other lgbtqi migrants. We meet regularly and can have different themes based on the needs and requests of the group.
With Newcomers we want to offer a safe meeting space and platform where our members can meet, be heard, and get to know each other. We want to give you a platform where you can find community, friends, support, and support through counseling. We can also offer further information about your rights in Sweden, as well as aid in getting social and legal counseling.
Our goal is to strengthen our members’ identities and voices by creating meeting spaces where they can share experiences, make contacts, and meet friends. You can learn Swedish and get information about the Swedish system. We can also be of assistance in helping you get access to healthcare and provide information about how Swedish authorities work.
Register your interest in participating in the next Newcomers meeting through this survey, and we will get back to you!
If you have any questions about Newcomers RFSL Linköping, please e-mail
The project is financed through the Asylum-, Migration- and Integration Fund (AMIF). More info about AMIF
For questions about asylum law, please contact RFSL’s asylum lawyer:
Patrick Bazanye, lawyer, specialized in lgbtqi-asylum rights and migration rights.