Linköping Pride 2024


Linköping Pride takes place May the 27-June the 2

Time flies, Linköping Pride 2024 is soon and we are stoked! This year we focus on the following topics: trans, intersex and aromantisism/asexuality (but issues regarding other groups within LGBTIA+ are also covered).


The official program of the Pride week 2024 is finally here (Activities marked with the Union Jack are held in English or are marked with both the Swedish and the British flag as those events are “English friendly” as its possible to join without knowing Swedish):

Pride House is a hub of knowledge where lots of lectures and debates will take place and art will be displayed during the weekdays. This year’s Pride House is located at, and in cooperation, with Stadsbiblioteket (The City Library). Here’s the Facebook event for the many activities happening at Pride House:

Linköping will sparkle and be busy with various happenings, all around the city, during the entire week. We continuously update Instagram  and Facebook, so follow us for more.

Check out our Pride Party Facebook Event: . Tickets to the party can be bought here:

There’s also a pub night with speed dating and a quiz:

The parade on Saturday the 1:st of June

The parade is on Saturday June the 1:st. We gather in the park ‘Trädgårdsföreningen’ at 12:00 to listen to speeches and will start marching at 13:00 o’clock. We return to Trädgårdsföreningen for entertainment after approximately an hour. Here’s the Facebook event for the parade:

As an individual it is just to show up to take part in the parade but for players (such as companies / NGO:s and other groups) it’s too late to register as a section in the parade.

Stay tuned for further information. We are looking forward to fighting for LGBTIA+ Rights and celebrate Pride together with you.



The planing group of Linköping Pride 2024

Linköping Pride is arranged by RFSL Linköping in collaboration with the muncipality of Linköping including the City Library.

Our sponsors are : LBB, Botrygg, Ramudden, LFC, Ica Maxi Linköping, Softube and Vision Linköping.