LGBTQI-migrant in Sweden
As an LGBTQI migrant or refugee in Sweden, there is a lot that RFSL Linkoping can offer. To assist those seeking support from us, we have compiled some information below about what we can help with and what we are unfortunately unable to help with. For further information and support:
We can offer:
- Membership in RFSL Linkoping. As a member, you have the opportunity to participate in member activities. Send an e-mail to if you are an asylum seeker, to obtain a reduced membership fee. Full-paying members register through the federation’s website.
- Support through a counselor. As a member of Newcomers Linköping, you can get counseling on LGBTQI-related issues. If you want to get in touch with our counselor, send an email to:
- Attestation of your participation in Newcomers activities.
- Support when in contact with Migrationsverket.
- Help to contact the asylum lawyer Patrick Bazanye for legal advice. He has the following email:
- A social context with Newcomers. Newcomers are a social group where you can, as an LGBTQI refugee or LGBTQI migrant, meet other LGBTQI migrants or refugees. Newcomers meet regularly.
- Support in learning the Swedish language and vocabulary specific to the lgbtqi-discourse.
- Free HIV-testing. We have a collaboration with Noaks Ark who can come to the facility regularly and assist with testing. You can be anonymous.
We are not able to offer:
- Therapy or treatment, but we can help you find different options.
- Certificate that you are an LGBTQI person. We look at sexual orientation and gender identity or gender expressions as something moving that can change over time and as if it is not visible to a person if it is an LGBTQI person. Therefore, we can not certify someone’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
- Country reports or similar compiled country information. For aggregated information about a specific country, please refer to
- Help with for example money, food, housing, work, and homework. However, we can help you to find the right instance for further help.